Nov. 1–The Feast of All Saints: Visit the Saints & Blesseds Section of Papal Artifacts! And the Media Section!


The Featured Image

Relics venerated at the altar of the curator on the Feast of All Saints

The Papal Artifacts’ Collection is primarily dedicated to artifacts connected to the papacy.  Individual popes, their biographies and multiple items belonging to them, including first and second class relics, make up the majority of this Collection.  But that isn’t all it is.

Father Kunst has a deep devotion to the saints as can be readily seen in viewing the Saints & Blesseds section of this site. We invite you to visit Papal History/Saints & Blesseds to view the many canonized and beatified men and women who make up this section of the Collection.  The link to Papal History/Saints & Blesseds is below.

And the Media Section

We invite you to peruse the Media section of Papal Artifacts which is filled with vignettes lasting from a minute to a few minutes depending on which one you access.

Today, Fr. Kunst is featuring a poster of special importance–the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s papacy–and  that celebration in Rome which he was fortunate to attend!  These posters hung in honor of that anniversary.

There are several other media features included in this section of the website. A link is provided below.

We’d like to remind you it’s available to you!

A Few Minutes with St. Maximilian Kolbe & Fr. Richard Kunst, Curator


A Few Minutes with St. Damien of Moloka’i & Fr. Richard Kunst, Curator

And Here is a Sampling of What You’ll Find There.


Here is the link to Papal History/Saints & Blesseds